A Report Claims Churches More Accepting of Homosexuals

National Congregations Study of Duke University
National Congregations Study of Duke University has released a new study that claims churches have become more willing to welcome homosexuals as members and place them in leadership positions, according to the report. According to a news release, data from the newest wave of the National Congregations Study show that from 2006 to 2012, the number of congregations accepting gay and lesbian members increased from 37.4 percent to 48 percent.
“The increasing acceptance of gays and lesbians is a well-known trend in America,” Mark Chaves, a Duke Professor of Sociology, religious studies and divinity says in a study. “Churches are no exception,” he also said.
The respondents – who were from American churches, mosques, temples, synagogues and other houses of worship – were asked whether or not an openly gay or lesbian couple in a committed relationship would be permitted to be full-fledged members of the congregation, and whether or not such people would be permitted to hold all volunteer leadership positions open to other members. The acceptance of gays as members rose from 16 percent to 23.5 percent in white, conservative Protestant churches. But there was no change in the acceptance of gays in church leadership positions, the study notes, as only 4 percent of white, conservative Protestant churches said in 2012 that gays and lesbians could hold volunteer leadership positions.
But the increased acceptance of gays and lesbians among black Protestant churches, white liberal churches, and non-Christian congregations were large enough to offset these patterns and produce an aggregate change that is remarkably large for just a six-year period, the study adds. Pew Research noted earlier this year that its polling in 2001 showed that Americans opposed same-sex marriage by a 57 percent to 35 percent margin, but support for gay marriage has steadily grown with 54 percent of Americans today supporting it.
Federal judges in many states have struck down state amendments and laws banning same-sex marriage as unconstitutional since the U.S. Supreme Court last June squashed a key part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA. Same-sex marriage is currently recognized in 19 states – California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington – and the District of Columbia.
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